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A: Simple google will show you how to update mdb to mdf converter Sexually transmitted diseases among homeless youth in Los Angeles County. To determine the extent and severity of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among homeless youths in Los Angeles County. An observational study of homeless youths receiving STD care. We examined the charts of all homeless youths who attended STD clinics in Los Angeles County between September 1986 and February 1988, who were more than 18 years old and were not pregnant or lactating, and whose STD diagnoses were confirmed by a physician. We collected information on demographic variables, sexual history, and social history, as well as physical and mental health status. Of the 27,591 patients examined, 1,456 were homeless youths (6%). Of these, 1,367 (96%) were male, and 1,149 (82%) were male at birth. The median age was 21 years (range, 18-53 years). The majority (74%) had no permanent residence; the remainder had housing on a sporadic basis. The median length of stay in L.A. County was four months (range, 1-36 months). Only 46% of homeless youths reported consistent condom use. Of the 1,460 youths with a positive STD result, 9.6% (142/1,460) had had an STD in the past; 24.6% (351/1,460) had been treated for chlamydia; and 0.9% (13/1,460) had been treated for gonorrhea. Forty percent (742/1,760) of the homeless youths had a positive history of being injected with drugs, and 64% (1,127/1,760) had had more than three sexual partners in the past 12 months. Young males who use drugs and are homeless are at increased risk for STDs.Q: Fill in missing values between unique values and calculate cumulative sum based on this I have a data frame with a column that has unique numbers like this: import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame({'number': ['X4', 'X3', 'X2', 'X5', 'X1', 'X3', 'X4', 'X2', 'X1']}) be359ba680

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